Corporate training SMAM Group
Whatever your needs, objectives and requirements, our consultants will design an effective program to meet them. Such training courses will provide your organisation with immense cost-reduction and strategic planning benefits. Listed below are some examples that can be made available to you: Procurement, Contract Management and Effective Negotiation. Tender Preparation and Evaluation. Human Resources Cost Optimisation. Effective Enterprise Risk Management. Core Management Skills.
We help organizations to improve their performance, primarily through the analysis of existing organizational problems and develop plans for improvement. You may draw upon our services for a number of reasons.
Operational process optimization, in reference to internal control principles:
(sales management, supply chain, construction, manufacturing, human resources, accounting and finance).
Costs optimization, using management tools (key performance indicators).
Our management consultancy services will also specialise in turning around a failing business. We will identify the risks and areas of weakness and implement strategies that will put you back on track.
Strategic planning is vital to shaping and transforming the local community. We will help you determine the form and location of jobs, homes, transport and educational facilities in ways that promote social, environmental and economic well-being.
Have you thought about what happens when you want to retire from your business?
Will you sell it – or hand it over to a family member?
Have you fixed a retirement date?
Will you have sufficient income to support your retirement and provide for your family.
It’s never too early to think about your exit. It may seem a long way off at the moment, but the earlier you start planning the better.
All these considerations need to be taken into account in preparing a strategy for business exit.
You will want to maximise your wealth at retirement, leaving the business in safe hands and the timing of the sale could dramatically reduce your tax bill.
We will help you to think about your exit and prepare a long term strategy. There are a number of options available that you may not have previously considered.
You should ask yourself some specific questions:
◾Does my intended successor have the right skills and abilities?
◾Does my intended successor actually want to take over?
◾Is my plan fair to all family members?
◾Does my plan minimise the potential for conflict?
◾Will family succession be tax-efficient?
◾Is family succession the best option or would an alternative exit strategy,
such as a trade sale or management buy-out, be a better option?
To access our range of business services without obligation contact us now on 0203 371 9616.
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